
November 6th

Today I feel like I accomplished more. I started working on the wolf unit and went to the gym afterschool to talk with Jennifer, the rec leader, about doing some activities there. She was very nice and I hope we can get things up on their feet and meet some of the kids families. I want my wild meat! The kids were a lot better today. Tomorrow I hope to fiddle and am looking forward to the movie and cupcakes together.

Today I went walking with Zaida while she cross country skiied down by the Jean Marie River. She told me her grandfather died in a snowmobiling accident down on the river bank last year. She kept saying that she could see him up in the trees looking down and protecting her like a monkey. She told me that there are lots of ghosts in Jean Marie and the Dene believe that the spirits of their relatives protect them. She tried to teach me how to cross country ski to no avail, she is a very sweet girl.

The kids do not know their geography- the thought that toronto was in the U.S. They also didn't know what a hairdresser was. The picture below is a photo shop that one of the 7 year olds did of Natasha, the oldest girl.

November 4th

It was my first day at school the kids in themselves are so bittersweet, o kind and yet so undereducated. The day went really fast because they keep it moving. They took me on a walking tour of Jean Marie and showed me their houses and their brothers and uncles, grandmothers, aunties, step mother' house........... The puppies are so cute! There is a big pack of them that belong to the janitor's daughter, I would really like to have one. I made my first cooking effort and my face, eyes and hands are all burning like hell from the chilies I bought. I didn't think that dried chilies were so potent!

Obamas first presedential speech was AMAZING! I have to say, I believed everything he said and was quite overtaken emotionally.